Learning More About the Sources of Back Pain

Back pain is one of the more common afflictions and it affects millions of people. With some people, it's just a temporary inconvenience, but for other people it's a chronic condition that has a major impact on their lives. Even if you're in generally good health, it's hard to completely avoid having backaches every so often. Many cases of back pain are just transitory and don't last long. However, severe cases of backaches can hang around for a long time and have to be treated by a doctor. In this article we'll be looking at some of the main causes of back pain.

Sometimes what causes our back pain is obvious. For instance, if you were doing some heavy lifting the day before you woke up with your back pain, that is probably what did it. One of the best things you can do is get professional help for your back if it is hurting you too much. By doing a few tests, your doctor should be able to help you narrow down why your back is aching. Your doctor may recommend a series of x-rays taken at several angles, called CT scans, to help you. If it is very bad, they may also recommend an MRI scan which can pinpoint where the problem may be.

Another common reason people have backaches is the condition of their mattress. Your mattress must support your back - especially your low back area - firmly or you can develop low-back pain. This happens because your spine isn't kept aligned when your mattress is old. If your mattress is no longer of good quality, you could be a victim of back pain. There is description no "one perfect mattress" that will work for everyone but, one thing is for sure, an old, misshapen, lumpy mattress isn't anyone's solution! One easy solution to getting rid of your back pain is to buy a new mattress. Sleeping with a lot of pillows strains your back and result in back pain. The best way to sleep is flat on your back, without any pillows to elevate your neck and cause your head to be misaligned with your spine, a common cause of back pain.

One crucial cause of back pain to be on the look out for is if you develop a kidney ailment. If you have kidney stones or a kidney infection, for example, you may suffer from low back pain due to the fact the location of your kidneys in your lower back. The pains in your lower back will, normally, also extend around company website to your lower abdomen and you may have pain upon urination as well. Don't waste any time making an appointment with your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. Your medical provider can give you a urinalysis test and other tests, such as an ultrasound. These can help him or her determine if you have a kidney problem. Lower back pain by itself isn't usually a sign of kidney trouble, but if you have any suspicion that this might be the case, it's best to be safe and have it checked.

Whenever you have a back ache all you can think about is how to get rid of it as soon a possible. However, the better you understand what contributes to back problems, the easier it is to avoid them in the future. There will be occasion when you should see right here a physician. There are a lot of back issues that can get some relief with the help of a chiropractor, massage therapist and many other health providers.

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